Salmon River Update 29 April 2016
Yea, spring is really here!!! Water releases went from 500 cfs to 300 cfs a couple of daysago. Water temperature is at the magic 50 degree mark and as a result fishing has picked up significantly. We have had several slow mornings because of frost conditions the night before but, like always, the sun comes up and the water warms a degree or two and game on!
Douglaston Salmon run had a good week overall. They reported drop-back Steelhead plus a couple of Landlock Salmon, some Brown Trout and a number of Smallmouth Bass from 2 – 4 pounds. The Bass were caught all the way to the boundary of the property near Pulaski meaning that they will soon spread throughout the river system. Drop-Backs remain the primary target up-river with the major pools and the Fly Zones fishing well. It’s a great time to make your trip with a great weather forecast and active fish in the river.