What’s Your Next Adventure
Salmon River
Salmon River located in Pulaski, NY is worldwide famous for its Salmon and Steelhead run and home of Zero Limit Adventures. The river offers other opportunities to catch Atlantic Salmon, Brown Trout, Smallmouth and Carp.
Trophy Brown Trout
This mix of small streams are home to trophy lake run Brown Trout that can reach over 18-20 lbs that Zero Limit Adventures enjoys chasing after. Outside of New Zealand, there are few places to catch healthy giant Brown Trout.
Anglers will have excellent opportunity to pick their catch. Find a mix of wild brown trout, native brook trout and stocked rainbow trout thoughtout many of the New York and Vermont’s finest large and small Trout Streams.
The fish of legends & teeth run deep in New York & Vermont. Brought to near extinction this apex predator is a champion game fish, with fast attacks and stunning strength. Unusual fish, tackle and flies will test your skills and sanity.

Zero Limit Adventures
Looking to experience the raw power of king salmon, trophy brown trout and steelhead or the beauty of browns, rainbows, and brook trout? Let Zero Limit Adventures put you in a position to do so. Our diverse team of guides are experienced, qualified, and equipped to provide patient instruction, remain positive, and remember the little details.We promise to do everything to the best of our ability to put your family, friends or clients in front of fish and ensure you have the adventure of a lifetime!
1 Person Guided Trip
2 Person Guided Trip
3 Person Guided Trip
Pick Your Species
- Lake Run Brown Trout
- Steelhead
- Chinook Salmon
- Coho Salmon
- Atlantic Salmon
- Brown Trout
- Rainbow Trout
- Brook Trout
- Pike
- Muskie
- Smallmouth Bass
Lake Ontario holds numerous fish species that enter the New York tributaries through the late Summer until the end of Spring. Some of our favorite fishing comes in Fall when we experience a run of Trophy Brown Trout that can grow longer than 30 inches and weigh over 18 pounds. A typical Fall Lake Run Brown will average anywhere from six to 14 pounds. Almost every tributary to Lake Ontario will experience a Trophy Brown Trout run, but nothing like what Western NY tributaries experience. Other than New Zealand, where the current world record is located, there are few places to catch Trophy Brown Trout that can weigh over 18-20 pounds.
After the Salmon have entered the tributaries, Steelhead will follow them closely up the river. The main run of Steelhead will start at the end of the Salmon run but they will be mixed in as well. From late September straight through to March, these Steelhead will fill the river and give fly anglers a true test of their skill. Throughout the Fall 2014 season, we saw our largest Steelhead on the river. There are plenty of Steelhead in the weight class of 15 to 20+ pounds. The hardest fighting fish around, they will take all anglers, regardless of skill, for a ride. During this time, fishing with indicators and egg patterns as well as swinging flies with two handed spey rods are very productive methods.
Chinook salmon are the largest of the Pacific salmon. While specimens exceeding 100 pounds have been taken on the Pacific coast, New York State’s record fish is a 47 pounder caught in Lake Ontario. Chinook Salmon have a limited distribution in New York State and are only found in Lake Ontario. Non-natives of New York State, Chinooks were first stocked in the Great Lakes in 1873. Although they were sporadically stocked throughout the years, it was not until about 20 years ago that they became abundant. At that time, New York State aggressively stocked Chinooks in Lake Ontario to provide a sport fishery. Using the tremendous population of alewives as a food source, Chinooks thrived and produced a spectacular fishery. Since there is not enough suitable spawning and nursery area to naturally produce enough fish, most of the salmon caught in New York State’s Great Lakes are hatchery-reared.
Cohos, or silver salmon, are smaller in size than their cousin the Chinook. Although larger specimens over 30 pounds have been captured, a typical adult coho weighs ten pounds. Cohos were stocked in New York State waters along with Chinook salmon in the late 1960s. Today, they are routinely stocked in Lake Ontario (and its tributaries) and provide excellent lake and river sportfishing opportunities. While natural reproduction of Coho salmon has occurred in New York State waters, it is too limited to support a viable fishery. Therefore, DEC annually stocks hundreds of thousands of Coho into the Lake Ontario system.
The Atlantic Salmon is one of the most highly regarded sport fish in North America and Europe. Known to many as “the leaper,” Atlantics are noted for their spectacular fighting ability, which usually includes several jumps completely out of the water after being hooked by a lucky angler. In New York State, Atlantic salmon spend their entire lives in freshwater and are usually called landlocked salmon.
For many anglers, there is nothing finer than catching a brilliantly colored wild trout. There are excellent opportunities to catch wild and stocked brown, brook and rainbow trout in many of the Western NY Trout Streams. Wild trout tend to be more finicky than stocked trout, and they can be challenging to catch.
The rainbow trout is a species of salmonid native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. Adult freshwater stream rainbow trout average between 1 and 5 lb, while lake-dwelling and anadromous forms may reach 20 lb. Coloration varies widely based on subspecies, forms and habitat. Adult fish are distinguished by a broad reddish stripe along the lateral line, from gills to the tail, which is most vivid in breeding males.
Brook Trout live in coldwater streams and lakes and depend on clean gravel areas for spawning. It is native to all 18 watersheds, although it has been stocked and managed in additional waters where it is not native. Its range has diminished in all watersheds partly due to invasive species including yellow perch and brown trout.
Northern Pike inhabits lakes and large rivers with associated wetlands and submerged aquatic vegetation. It is native to the Great Lakes and Allegheny watersheds. It has been introduced to the Atlantic slope watersheds. It continues to expand its range to lakes at higher elevations of the Adirondacks.
The fish of legends & teeth runs deep in New York & Vermont. Once brought to near extinction this apex predator is a champion game fish, with fast attacks and stunning strength. This unusual fish with unusual tackle and flies will test your skills and sanity. From late winter to late fall Zero Limit Adventures can put you on the fish of 10,000 casts.
Smallmouth Bass inhabits streams, rivers and lakes in areas associated with cobble and submerged aquatic vegetation. Spawning occurs in streams with clean gravel. It favors cooler and more riverine conditions than largemouth bass. Smallmouth bass is native to watersheds of the Allegheny and Great Lakes drainage, including Champlain.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is your service catch and release?
A. Our desire to be stewards of the waters make us practice catch and release only.
Q. What is the ideal fly outfit to fish the Salmon River?
A. Switch rods from 6-8 wt handle most of the fishery.
Q. Are you kid friendly?
A. We love to get kids hooked on fishing! Patient instruction, but mostly fun!
Q. What if I’ve never fly fished before?
A. Not a problem! All of our guides are also qualified instructors who can teach you techniques, ranging from single to two handed casting, while also getting you to hook some fish.
Q. What airports are closest to the fishing?
A. Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo
What are the lodging accommodations available?
A. When fishing the Salmon River Area, Zero Limit Adventures offers all inclusive trips in conjunction with the Orvis-Endorsed Tailwater Lodge.
Zero Limit Adventures recommends the Orvis-Endorsed West Branch when in the Delaware River locale.
Other local accommodations are available for other destinations.
Q. When is your next available booking?
A. Call 585-766-2421 to book your adventure!