Salmon River Fishing Report – August 31, 2019

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Salmon River Update 03 March 2016
Salmon River Update 03 March 2016 Water levels remain high (1750 cfs at the dam today), but it seems the fish are adjusting to it and fishing has picked up some. For this time of year there is just a small snow pack on the Tug Hill so long range, we should have a...
Salmon River Update 23 February 2016
Salmon River Update 23 February 2016 It continues to be a very difficult winter with water levels and weather frequently changing, confusing fishermen and, probably the fish. We had one day of significant rainfall estimated at 1” – 2” and several moderate snowfalls....
Salmon River Update 13 January 2016
Salmon River Update 13 January 2016 What will the Salmon River have in store for us in 2016? This New Year has started with a broad range of weather conditions. The first weekend on the river brought heavy snow fall, and the next unseasonably warm temperatures....
Salmon River Update 10 December 15
Salmon River Update 10 December 2015 Here's the up front bottom line: if you work hard you will be rewarded with a Salmon River Trophy. Since Salmon season started in September, fishing conditions for all Lake Ontario tributaries...