Salmon River Fishing Report – August 31, 2019

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Salmon River Update 1 October 2015
Salmon River Update 1 October 2015 The anticipated Salmon run has finally started! Our lake captains are seeing more and more salmon staging and Douglaston Salmon Run is reporting a good run of mixed Kings and Cohoes...
Salmon River Update 24 September 2015
Salmon River Update 24 September 2015 Fishing at Douglaston Salmon Run continues to be sporadic. Earlier in the week was the best with a moderate number of Kings with some Cohos mixed in. We did see several 10 pound plus...
Salmon River Update 18 September 2015
Salmon River Update 18 September, 2015 This week’s Salmon River fishing is best described as unfulfilled expectations. It is clear that the major run is late. Fishing has been sporadic although a few fish have been seen each...
Salmon River Update 3 September, 2015
Salmon River Update - 3 September, 2015 Salmon are on the move on the Salmon River with small numbers entering the river system every day. The river is now at its minimum fall flow as of September 1st and is expected to jump up to 750 CFS...