Salmon River Fishing Report – August 31, 2019

The beautiful weather and excellent salmon fishing is making this an excellent Labor Day weekend. Thursday evening the flow at Pineville jumped from 250 to 450 CFS with the bump from the reservoir. Friday morning the water temperature on the lower end average out at 66 degrees and . The lower water temperature contributed to a good push of fish in the early portion of the morning. Friday was the best showing of salmon so far this season. 
The reservoir bumped up to 750 CFS at 9PM Friday which lead to another solid Saturday morning fishing on the Douglaston Salmon Run. Very good fish movement this morning till about 9AM. Fresh King Salmon grabbing buggers and a few egg patterns. After 9AM we would consider it to be a slower bite but steady pick of healthy fish. No Cohos or Steelhead but no complaints other than a few sore arms. At 11:45 three guys fishing about 6 to the bank and about three times that broke off!  
Our calendar is getting tight, don’t wait too long to make that call.

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